Exam Details



About Paper

Plino’s Application Developer Certifcation has been designed to assess knowledge in application development as per Industry Standards. The paper contains 30 MCQs as per the given syllabus. Candidates are required to score a minimum of 30 marks out of 60 to successfully qualify for the examination.


  1. Fundamentals of PHP Development
  2. Various Data Types
  3. Advanced PHP Functions
  4. Classes
  5. Objects
  6. Advanced OOPS in PHP
  7. Various Database concepts
  8. Cookies and Session Management
  9. How to work with forms and system files
  10. Error Handling
  11. Secure PHP Programming
  12. Performance Optimization of PHP Applications

Exam Format

This is an online examination with 30 objective-type questions. Each question carries 2 marks. The minimum qualifying marks are 50% of the total marks. The candidates attaining the minimum qualifying marks shall be declared eligible for E-certification. Candidates may also seek re-examination by paying Rs. 600.

Email: contact@plino.org
Secretariat- Plot No. 72, Shahakar Layout, Trimurti Nagar, Bhamti, Nagpur
Maharashtra 440022