Plino Certified Technology Specialist (PCTS)
Select any of the following exams to avail this certification:
Exam | PHP, OOP Concept, My SQL |
Fees | ₹ 1200 / $ 14.29 |
About the exam - Certified Technology Specialist is currently one of the most demanding job portfolios for the candidates who want to build their careers in the application development domain. Certified Technology Specialist performs a major role in integrating general technology solution tasks by creating and operating AV solutions. CTS exam checks the ability to create effective solutions through various parameters like gathering information, site survey and evaluates site environment. It emphasizes on implementing solutions and servicing them to enhance productivity.
Plino offers various certificate that equip individuals with the core competencies which make a market-ready CTS professional. The PHP model prepares an individual to create user interfaces or work behind the scenes. The PHP language is also frequently used in combination with MYSQL for databases. Java model helps an individual to create dynamic websites and applications and .Net course helps an individual to attain knowledge of programming .NET apps, software design and implementing the algorithms.
Select any of the following exams to avail this certification:
# | Exam Options | Fees | |
1 | PHP, OOP Concept, My SQL | ₹ 1200 / $ 14.29 |
- Certified technology specialist can effectively create and service optimised solutions that are high in demand in today’s market.
- It helps to analyze industry standards to evaluate development providers.
- The reassurance of competency, experience and ethical behavior towards the work profile.
- Increased personal value, recognition, and marketability of the CTS credential which helps to boost the self-confidence of an individual.
- High salary scope and follow a high standard of ethics and code of conduct.
- Receive a Globally Verifiable Certificate with a Valid TID.
Steps to apply
- Create an account - Candidate has to create an account and provide all required details to be a registered user and access all the perks available for the registered users.
- Add to cart - After exploring through various courses, an individual needs to decide the preferred certificate according to the personal interest of specialization and add the certificate to the cart.
- Payment - The individual needs to pay the certificate fees through the preferred payment method in a given period.
- Dashboard - After successful payment, the user will be provided a dashboard with details about the exam. The dashboard will notify the candidate with important dates and other notification.
- Get equipped - Candidates will get flexible time span within which they have to apply for the exam. Candidates can appear as soon as the dashboard is activated.
- Appear for exam - The candidates have to apply for an online exam, which they can give according to their flexible time frame but it should be within the course expiry date. If the candidate passes the test, they will get a soft-copy of the certificate on their dashboard. If the candidate unfortunately fails, he/she has to repeat the entire process and score higher marks in the next attempt.